[SHARE THE LOVE] My honeymoon… Where to start?

«South Africa or Playa del Carmen? Thailand or Hawaii? Alaska or Patagonia? Maybe Europe ... or better Japan! No, I know, I'd better go to Miami...»

This is how most brides start. It is not uncommon for the honeymoon destination to be difficult to define. And it is about YOUR HONEYMOON!!! It is a trip that we want to remember, and for the right reasons, not because some catastrophe happened, or because you lost your suitcase.

Most brides I advise come to me with many ideas, and the conversation always begins with: "I want to go to ..." At that point, I ask them: but what do you want to experience on your trip? What colors and shades do you want to see in your pictures? What type of activities are you interested in doing?

We are talking about the most basic, precisely the beginning, since you can have the same type of trip in several destinations. You can go to Bhutan or Cappadocia and ride a balloon, or go to Australia or Playa del Carmen, and dive. It is about making the decision having all the information at hand and having analyzed the complete panorama, not only to go to, for example, Thailand, because it is the current trend, but because you are really interested in that destination, because what it has to offer .

So think first: What kind of trip do I want to have?


Let’s travel

Natalia Ordoñez


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